Tips for Getting Her to Love Her Girls' School Shoes

Have you had another frustrating morning where your daughter doesn't want to wear her girls' school shoes?

We've all been there, and it was a tiring experience. Spending 30 minutes daily to get a child to wear school shoes is not how a parent wishes to start their day. While getting your kid to love their footwear might seem like a challenge, there are ways to improve their attitude towards it.

Let's call in the Everflex team for tips on getting your daughter to love their academic footwear. Over the years, the team has witnessed crying, tantrums, and some chasing because parents and children cannot agree on the style to choose. 

The best way to figure out how to improve their attitude is to discover what makes them hate their academic footwear.

By getting to the root cause, we can provide tips to address their issues. So let's head right into it!

Why Don't Girls Like Their School Shoes?

You've tried all possible ways to get your kid to wear their academic footwear every morning—giving them snacks, buying their favourite toy, and giving them more playing time. But none of these tactics seemed to work. What should you do?

1. They associate it with the end of the holidays.

Your kid looked forward to the holidays, a break from waking up early. A break from anything related to their academic life allows them to sleep late, play more, and lounge around. Then you come, announcing to them that it's time to shop for a new pair of footwear.

It breaks their holiday euphoria because it reminds them that they must return to their educational institution and follow a strict routine of waking up early and spending 7 hours there.

They associate their academic footwear with the end of the fun times. Knowing this might be frustrating for parents since it's not their fault. You do not have control over that aspect. But it's important to know this to address them.

2. The fit is wrong.

After two months of smooth sailing mornings, this issue will spring on you, and you'll wonder what happened. Likely, the footwear fits the day you bought it and was okay for the first two months. But, then, your daughter underwent a growth spurt, making her footwear ill-fitting.

Since she doesn't understand it and does not like to complain about the pain, your daughter acts up whenever she must wear her academic footwear. 

As a result, your kid will have several growth spurts until their teenage years, which can happen to more pairs of footwear in the following years. Parents need to be more observant of this tell-tale sign.

Use our handy size guide in-store or online to help you with this issue and get a perfect fit each time.

3. They prefer a different style.

As your kid ages, they want more say in what they wear, including footwear. In addition, their peers can influence their taste, especially when they notice which styles people find attractive.

Their academic footwear can affect their self-confidence. For example, if other students perceive their academic footwear as ugly, it can affect their self-esteem and performance. In addition, their classmates can tease them about their footwear, which can cause your kid to clam up and resent them.

How to Improve Their Attitude Towards Their Footwear

Now that we know why their school shoes irk them, we can go through different ways to address the issues. This way, you can sleep more each day because getting them to wear their footwear won't be difficult.

1. Make shoe shopping fun.

Turn their shopping experience for academic footwear around. Instead of being a cause of doom, turn it into an activity they'd look forward to at the end of a holiday. Getting them excited about pairs will make them love the footwear more. What should you do?

For one, make shopping more fun by turning it into a game! Liken it to a game of treasure hunting, where they look for the ideal footwear that meets all the features required. After which, the kid gets a prize and ice cream. 

Doing this will excite your kid when shopping for their footwear. In addition, they will associate the footwear with a bonding activity they'll look forward to every day of the holiday.

2. Ensure the footwear fits properly.

You must check a few things when shopping for academic footwear to ensure they fit correctly. Start with the footwear shape—rounded or squared toe—to guarantee it doesn't squeeze your child's toes. 

Provide enough room for toes to wiggle by leaving a 1 cm gap between the longest toe and the footwear's tip. The footwear must support your child's toes, allowing them to spray naturally for good balance and stability.

It's best to take your kid shopping for footwear in the afternoon or evening when their feet have swollen to their largest size. Doing this will guarantee you get to account for the growth when getting their measurement. 

Also, let your kid try on the footwear with the socks they intend to wear with them as a dry run of how they will feel the whole year.

You must measure the length and width of each foot separately. If you want to get a more accurate size, bring them to a professional. 

The podiatrist can also recommend the best academic footwear for your child. Check the fit after two months to know if they’re still good or need replacement.

3. Involve them in the process.

Your child knows which style is popular in class, so listen to what they say. Knowing they can express which footwear they like is critical to getting them to love their footwear. If it's their choice, they will react more positively and excitedly to it.

However, do not give in if it's not the correct style to give them support. Instead, learn to compromise so that it won't affect their feet's health.

Go and Test If the Tips Will Work!

There's no better moment to check if the tips will work. May these help in making your daughter love her kids' school shoes. Head to the nearest Everflex retailer or the online store!

These days, you can find stores around Australia and the rest of the world selling school shoes for all ages. Like the best-known ones, our brand lasts a long time and provides many benefits for the foot.

These qualities are ideal for those long days at school or work and include arch support, flexibility, shock absorption, breathability, and traction. However, while Everflex, like Harrison and other brands, offers fashionable styles and high-quality materials, the price range of our durable footwear is much lower.

Take advantage of fantastic perks and discounts, such as 10% off your initial purchase. You may also sign up for email alerts about sales and new arrivals, so you'll always know what's happening in kids' school footwear.