Protect Yourself with Non-Slip Shoes

Non-slip shoes are essential because accidents can happen anywhere. You can walk and have fun one minute and fall the next. Slip accidents are unpredictable and dangerous, so protecting yourself with non-slip footwear is a must.

The usual places where these accidents occur include sidewalks and walkways, grocery stores, restaurants, swimming pools, toilet rooms, hotels, schools, and even at home. 

Most people overlook the necessity of wearing slip-resistant shoes, thinking that there's a minimal chance accidents can happen to them. The thing is, once it happens, the consequences can be painful and expensive.

A fall could change your life entirely, and then you won't be able to do the things you once enjoyed. Prevent this by wearing these shoes, known also for their durability. To better understand the necessity of this footwear, our Everflex team will join the conversation.

The brand has been providing these shoes for years and has developed the features that protect work crews from different situations. Let's look at the various instances. If you're ready, let's start!


1. Wet and Slippery Surfaces

As mentioned earlier, wet, slippery surfaces can occur everywhere. A change in weather can automatically make the streets slippery. 

A leak in the toilet or a spill in the restaurant can be the cause of slip accidents. Because of all these factors, you will need a pair of Everflex non-slip shoes because of their slip-resistant outsoles. 

Slip resistance is primarily responsible for keeping everyone steady despite the wet walkways and pathways. 

When you flip the non-slip footwear, you will notice grooves or treads in various shapes like circles, hexagons, and squiggles. These little shapes create friction against the surface to prevent you from falling.

Choose slip-resistant work shoes with smaller spaces between the treads for high friction. Moreover, these treads allow the fluids to flow through instead of staying underneath the footwear, which prevents slips. 

Some unfortunate outcomes of slip accidents, which non-slip footwear protects you against, include broken bones and brain injuries. These can alter anyone's confidence, be life-altering and cause permanent damage.


2. Scalding Fluids Like Oil

This second scenario often happens in the kitchen, whether you're working in a restaurant or café. It can also occur at home when you're cooking. Possible exposure to scalding liquids like oil requires protection from non-slip footwear. (This is why, sandals are not allowed in the kitchen or the hospitality industry!)

Please do not take burns lightly because of the potential pain, scarring, damage, and long-term issues stemming from hot oil spilling on you. Not only will it affect you physically, but it will also require time off for healing and can be costly to treat.

Thankfully, another feature of Everflex slip-resistant shoes ensures the wearer is safe from getting burned. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

Eveflex slip-resistant shoes have oil-resistant outsoles that work hard to prevent hot oil from seeping through the material and burning your feet. 

Imagine the immense pain you may feel upon contact. Non-slip footwear saves you from all the pain and cost this accident may cause.


3. Busy Rooms and Walkways

Have you ever visited a theme park during a school holiday? If yes, you'll know how crowded the area can be. Hotels, airports, and train stations are other places where you can encounter a crowd of people. These would have been okay if you were not hurrying to your destination. 

Imagine being late for your flight and passing a massive crowd to get to your gate. To get through this crowd, you must walk hurriedly in a zigzag manner, avoiding collisions with anyone. 

One wrong move will have a domino effect of people falling and slipping accidentally.

With slip-resistant work shoes, you can change directions and stop without falling because of Everflex's third feature. The footwear has commercial-grade, non-marking rubber soles that prevent you from twisting your ankle or sliding in these situations. 

You may have seen this feature at work in some indoor sports. Like non-slip footwear, badminton, volleyball, and basketball players require footwear with these rubber soles. 

Players in these games move in random directions and stop abruptly, which could be a recipe for disaster if not for these soles. 

Moreover, since slip-resistant shoes are non-marking, you can protect the floors and surfaces from scuffs and faint marks. Keep them shiny and sparkling with slip-resistant shoes.


4. On Your Feet All Day

Some work environments require workers to be on their feet all day. Standing, walking, and rushing for more than two hours can cause a strain on your feet. How much more if you had to work for eight hours?

For instance, retail workers who watch the stores must constantly move around. Prevent strain and discomfort by wearing Everflex slip-resistant work shoes. 

Features like heel impact cushioning and a flexible, padded innersole in the design that absorb shock can provide comfort and support throughout the day. 

Healthcare industry workers run all over the hospital, lifting patients bigger than them, so they need non-slip footwear to absorb the pain and impact. You need all the comfort and support you can get if you're going to do these things every day. 


5. Lose Money

Accidents, burns, and strained feet are costly, especially if they are severe and fatal. Recovery may take time and eat a massive chunk of your savings. 

But you can avoid all these by wearing Everflex slip-resistant work shoes, which cost less than $100. Ensure your safety and that of those dear to you by encouraging everyone to get non-slip footwear for themselves.

Better yet, give it as a thoughtful gift for them. With the flexible payment systems at Everflex, you can shop for pairs of slip-resistant shoes now and pay for them in instalments later. 

Everflex has a vast collection of in-stock non-slip work shoes for men and women of all ages with safety features, including its traction grip. (Similar to what you find in Skechers, but for a fraction of the cost!)You can filter your search by your desired colour or price to help you refine your hunt.

Further reductions are available if you shop online. Get your non-slip footwear at a more affordable price with discount vouchers and online coupons. 


Keep Yourself and Everyone Who Matters Safe With Everflex Non-Slip Work Shoes! 

You can never tell when accidents will happen. It's best to prepare and protect everyone with Everflex slip resistant shoes. 

The footwear has features to keep everyone safe from slips, burns, and fatigue. Head to the nearest retailer or online store to grab one now! Be sure to add gel cushions and innersoles for more comfort!