Non-Slip Shoes That You’ll Never Want to Take Off!

If you’ve heard of non-slip work shoes, you’re likely working in industries requiring their workers to wear them for safety, like hospitality and healthcare. But if this is the first time you’ve chanced upon the term, it’s time to prioritise your health.

A pair of non-slip footwear is an asset in various environments, especially those with slippery surfaces and crowded hallways. 

We bet once you learn the capabilities of this footwear, you’ll never want to take them off. And since you also care for the safety of the people you care about, you would like them to have non-slip footwear.

The different safety features make you feel more confident and at ease when moving through slippery surfaces. 

Slip and fall accidents are no laughing matter, especially if the damage is severe and permanent. As such, wearing non-slip footwear is a game-changer.

Are you interested in learning more about the features that will make you want to add non-slip work footwear to your shoe closet?

If yes, let’s go through everything about Everflex slip-resistant shoes. Please read on to learn more!


1. Soles with slip-resistance

Many ask what makes Everflex non-slip work shoes different from sneakers when both can provide grip and traction. And the answer to that question is the slip-resistant sole. 

Its design specifically addresses the needs of hospitality and healthcare workers, mainly because their workplace constantly exposes them to slippery floors. 

But even if you don’t work in these industries, you’ll love the safety and confidence these non-slip footwear make you feel. 

When you go to the grocery store, use the toilet, or eat at restaurants, there’s the risk of spillage and leaking faucets. And it’s the sole’s job to keep you steady throughout.

When you flip the non-slip footwear, you notice treads or grooves shaped like circles, hexagons, and squiggles. They work by creating friction on slippery surfaces. 

Instead of holding the liquid under your footwear, the shapes let it flow, which keeps you from slipping. Choose those with smaller spaces between the treads because they produce more friction.


2. Oil-resistant outsole

The incredible thing about Everflex slip-resistant shoes is their features, which do more than keep you from slipping. While being slip-resistant is its top characteristic, the oil-resistant outsole is a secondary yet handy feature that not everyone knows about.

Workers in the food industry, especially those assigned to the kitchen, are thankful that Everflex non-slip footwear offers this feature. 

Constant exposure to scalding oil increases the risk of getting burned. Burns are no laughing matter, especially since they become fatal as the degree increases.

Thankfully, the oil-resistant outsole of the Everflex slip-resistant footwear protects the feet by preventing the oil from seeping through the footwear’s material. 

And if you do not work in the kitchens of restaurants, we bet you, or someone dear to you, cooks at home and would need the protection. 

Getting burned is costly, with treatment and time off affecting your savings. Investing in these work shoes would cost much less to keep you safe.


3. Commercial-grade non-marking outsole

Hotel bellhops, students, and theme park workers have one thing in common—they deal with crowds. 

Bellhops and theme park crews must get through groups of people to provide the service within a reasonable time, so they must zigzag their way through. 

The same happens to students who must get ahead of others in crowded hallways to get to their next class on time.

They must make sudden stops and direction changes that can cause accidents. Avoiding collisions, trips, and falls will be easier with the third feature of Everflex slip-resistant shoes.

The commercial-grade non-marking outsole of slip-resistant shoes allows people to make sudden stops, move sideways and in zigzags to get through people safely.

This feature of these shoes is the same one that saves players in indoor sports like badminton, volleyball, and basketball from twisting their ankles. 

With the help of commercial-grade non-marking outsoles, these players can safely make lateral movements and direction changes.

This feature is also helpful for you, especially if you travel and must go through crowds of people in the airport, and your gate is at the end. Airports and terminals are slippery; you will need these slip-resistant shoes to get you to your gate in one piece.


4. Heel-impact cushioning

If you’re active and doing high-impact repetitive movements like jumping and running, you will never want to remove these shoes because they help absorb the impact. 

The cushioning reduces the stress to which rough activities subject your heels, ankles, and toes. 

The slip-resistant shoes diminish the force generated upon ground contact, alleviating the strain on your body and improving your performance. Wouldn’t you want that?


5. Flexible and padded innersole

People usually overlook the importance of being comfortable. Comfort improves demeanour and performance. Because of the flexible and padded innersole found in Everflex slip-resistant shoes, you can gain these things: 

  • Foot arch support

  • Boosts comfort 

  • Save your feet from irritation and discomfort caused by blisters and other foot problems.

  • Aligns your feet and ankles, which ensures proper gait

  • Reduces muscle fatigue

  • Improves posture


Caring for Non-Slip Work Shoes

Once you discover how excellent footwear is, you’ll never want to take it off, wishing it lasted longer. The good news is that following these easy steps can ensure your non-slip footwear will be with you longer.

  • Give your footwear a good wipe-down when you get home. Ensure you get to the hard-to-reach corners and remove the dirt stuck in the grooves of your non-slip footwear.

  • Since exposing your footwear to various liquids and stains, using a water and stain protection spray upon unboxing is best. It creates an invisible layer that prevents them from seeping through the materials.

  • Always keep your slip-resistant shoes dry. If they get wet from puddles and other natural elements, dry them naturally. Keep them away from direct heat sources because these will dry the material.

  • Storage is a simple hack that prolongs your non-slip footwear. Please do it!


Everflex Has What You Need!

The Everflex collection for men and women has slip-resistant work shoes you won't want to take off. Head to the nearest retail store or shop online. Invest in additional innersoles and cushions for more comfort!

Take good care of your work shoes once you've chosen a pair you like. These shoes are made for durability, comfort, and support, to name a few advantages.

Maintain a regular cleaning schedule and inspect for damage. When problems appear, such as a worn-out sole or a lack of slip-resistance grip, it's time to replace them.