Is there a Spendless Shoe shop near me?
Here at Spendless shoes we currently have 220 stores all around Australia but where is the closest Spendless to you and how do you go about finding it?
There are a few ways you can go about finding the closest Spendless shoes to you such as "The Spendless Store Finder" on our website, using our live chat on our website or ringing our number where our staff can direct you to our closest store.
Store Finder
The first and easiest way to find your closest Spendless Shoes store is through our store finder on the website. Once you click onto the Spendless Shoes homepage scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and on the right-hand side, you will find a list with the second heading as "Store Finder" once you find that click on it!
The next page should appear with a map of Australia, and on the left-hand side, there should be a search bar which has SEARCH – i.e. Postcode/Address/City and then Search Radius, e.g. 10km and so on.
Place your suburb or postcode into the search bar and pick your search radius and then hit "Search Stores".
The Store Finder should locate the closest store to you and will give you the store name, address, phone number, distance and store hours. The map should also locate where the store is with a red pin.
If you are unable to use the Store Locator or are having trouble with it not fret there are also other ways for you to locate one of our stores.
Online Chat
The next way you can find one of our Spendless Shoe shops near you is you can use our online chat to speak to one of our friendly staff! The online chat is located on our website at the bottom right of our webpage. It should not matter which page you are on to use live chat as it should appear at the bottom right hand of our webpages. Just click the person and fill in your details such as your name and email to start the chat and one of our friendly staff can direct you to the Spendless Store which will be near you. If we are not live, then you can leave us a message and we will get back to it as soon as we can.
Call our Team
The final way to find a Spendless Shoe Shop near you is to call our line which is 1800 357 427 where we can direct you to one of our closest stores and answer any other questions you may have about Spendless Shoes.
If you are still unable to find a store or the closest store to you, you can also contact us on Facebook chat or to ring a local store that would be able to help!