Smelly School Feet? Follow These Odour-Busting Tips!
Are you plagued by the stink of your school shoes? Well, you can stop stressing now! Everflex is here to salvage your season and save you from your worries and woes. Strong foot odour is a surprisingly common complaint, and unfortunately, there are a lot of people who find it embarrassing. Thankfully, our vast experience with school shoes means that the Everflex team is prepared and ready to combat the problem. We can offer our customers some valuable advice to help reduce foot odour. Our school shoes and foot care products will resolve your issues too.
Switch socks regularly
This first bit of advice may seem obvious, but we think it’s still worth mentioning. Students with strong-smelling feet should change out their socks whenever before they begin to reek. Socks are the one barrier between school shoes and feet, and the odour will start to invade the material after a while. Depending on the extent of the problem, this could mean that you need to wear a fresh pair of socks every day of the week or swap them out every second day. If you like your socks to last for longer, then we advise removing your socks once you take your school shoes off. You should also avoid wearing your socks overnight while you sleep too. This method is simple, straightforward. It should keep your school shoes from getting stinky.
Try a partially open style
One of the main reasons that school shoes start to smell is because of sweaty feet. If regular styles are making your feet too hot, then it’s time to try an alternative. At Everflex, our Mary-Jane school shoes could be the perfect problem-solving option. These almost-sandals have rounded toes, glossy material, and an overall shape that is similar to traditional lace-up styles.
The most acute difference between Mary Jane designs and typical school shoes are the decorative cutouts and the partially open tops. Mary Jane styles have either touch-fastening or buckled bands that stretch across the top of feet. This extra exposure creates a decent amount of airflow for feet, which helps skin keep fresh. As such, these school shoes can stop feet from getting sweaty and prevent nasty smells from accumulating inside.
Get some innersoles
Like socks, innersoles provide another barrier between your feet and your school shoes. Instead of smell clinging to your footwear, it should soak into your innersoles instead. And, once your innersoles start to smell, all you need to do is throw them out and put some new ones in your school shoes
In the case of extra-strong foot odour, we’d recommend gel innersoles instead of fabric ones. Our Comfort Foam Innersoles may be cosy underfoot, but smells are more likely to cling to their material than to our gel-infused products. Innersoles will be a useful buffer, keep your school shoes fresh, and they’ll provide students with hours of comfortable wear. As such, innersoles are probably one of our most practical, sensible, and beneficial solutions to smelly feet and school shoes!
Combine our tips for maximum effectiveness
There’s no reason why you can’t combine one of two of these tricks for your school shoes! Our innersoles are very subtle, so you can easily fit them into full-enclosed footwear or Mary Jane styles without anyone noticing. Similarly, if you choose to fight foot odour by putting innersoles in your school shoes, you can still switch your socks out frequently too!
Dedicate yourself from the start
Create a routine based on our tips, follow it, and soon it will be second nature. Start fresh this season with a new set of school shoes, and keep them from getting smelly from the get-go!